Stronger Together – Kendella’s Story

Most of the women we serve, we meet outside of the abortion clinic. We try to have a presence there each and every day they are open. We strive to combat lies with truth and fear with comfort and understanding. Sometimes, God brings women to us in other ways. Many of the current women we’re helping have been referred to us by past clients.

This is truly a blessing.

Someone may confide to a friend that she is pregnant and planning an abortion and the friend may suggest she call us. This has happened many times, and each time we see God in the situation. The fact that these clients have trusted us so much to refer us to a friend who is in the middle of a trying situation, makes us so grateful. We have found when a woman calls us before she makes an appointment at the abortion clinic her baby is extremely likely to be born.

The Helpers also cooperate with other pro-life organizations whenever we can. This is how we met Kendella, a client of First Way of Burlington County. First Way offers free diapers, formula and clothing to mothers in need. Kendella is the mother of an infant daughter and had gone to First Way for some help. While talking with the volunteers there she shared the concern that she may be pregnant again. They offered her a free pregnancy test and it was positive. She was devastated! Her daughter was only three months old and she was already struggling.

Thankfully one of the wonderful volunteers at First Way is a friend of The Helpers. She took Kendella under her wing and introduced her to us. Kendella met with our “Educational and Employment Expert”, Eva…and the work began.

Eva, an amazing new addition to The Helpers is responsible for our connection with Hopeworks N’ Camden. This organization, through education, technology and entrepreneurship, inspires and trains 14-24 year old women looking for an opportunity in the workforce.

Kendella was immediately interested…however in order for her to attend, she needed daycare for her daughter, Nyasia. The Helpers made arrangements with a daycare center down the street from Hopeworks and paid for Nyasia to attend while her mother was at school. Kendella trained until her second child, Rasheen, was born on April 9, 2016.

Now that her little boy is two months old, we hope Kendella will return to Hopeworks to finish her training so that she can get employment and care for her beautiful children. Daycare costs are another way we use your generous donations to move families to a better place. THANK YOU!

Please continue to share our LIFEStories, website and Facebook page with your colleagues so they know what we can do for parents in need. Word of mouth is our best advertisement!

We are on a mission, a calling of God, to help in whatever way we can to facilitate a culture of life and family. Partnering with these great organizations is one way we do it. Because friends…we are all working towards the same goal: LIFE!