Samantha’s Change of Heart – LIFEstories August 2017

2017-08-05T18:54:34-05:00August 5th, 2017|

Samantha’s Change of Heart

This story starts one cool day when a young girl with a backpack on walked towards the Cherry Hill Women’s Center. The young woman’s name was Samantha. Samantha was early for her appointment that day, so she decided to walk outside to waste time […]

Helpers Fundraiser a Big Success – Thank you!

2017-04-20T23:44:19-05:00September 24th, 2016|

Helpers Fundraiser a Big Success – Thank you! This month’s LifeStories is going to focus on the people who make what we do possible. The people who support us financially, with goods and services, with their presence at the clinic and most importantly with their prayer!

Many of those people came […]

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