Brand New Website! Brand New E-Newsletter!
Welcome to our newly designed online newsletter, LIFEstories. For some of you this may look familiar, for others this is brand new.
Before we begin, let’s talk about the purpose of LIFEstories. The Helpers of Gods Precious Infants never stop working. Our volunteers work around the clock to make a life-altering difference in the lives of the women they meet, most at The Cherry Hill Women’s Center on Kings Highway, where hundreds of babies lose their life every month.Through their interactions and prayers, our Helpers show the unconditional love needed to help these women understand there is another choice besides abortion.
We call this a “turn-around”, and we celebrate this event nearly 3 times a week.
But it doesn’t stop there. Deciding against an abortion is just the first step. Once we enter the lives of these women, we join them on their new journey. For The Helpers, that can mean anything from driving the women to prenatal appointments, to helping them find jobs, to getting them off drugs…and much more. We provide the mentoring and resources these women need to make a genuine life-change, a change that leads to a new life of faith, love, family, hope and independence.
LIFEstories is all about showing you the difference The Helpers make through the personal stories of these women and their babies. You can read these amazing stories via email or on our new website twice a month. Our favorite part of LIFEstories is showing you the beautiful faces of these miracle babies who have been given a second chance at life.

Next, let me tell you about our new website, We have been working hard to share our vision, ‘building a culture of life and family’, with the world and now we have the means to do that. Our new site will be much more than a permanent home for LIFEstories. It will showcase the great work The Helpers are doing, provide updates on material needs and prayer requests, communicate in detail our ultimate ‘Helpers Center’ vision, inform you of upcoming local events, and provide opportunities for you to give of your time and money to further the cause.
We encourage you to visit our new website, read the previous editions of LIFEstories as they are posted, and share the site with your friends, family, coworkers and church.
Finally we’d like you to know that we are in the process of bringing our group, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants NJ, into the world of social media with a new Facebook page. This is a forum for you to join the conversation and stay up-to-date on The Helpers latest happenings through posts, photos, videos and articles.
We believe God unconditionally loves each child, mother and father, and we are going to need everyone’s help to bring that love to fruition in the lives of these local families.